
* These are general guidelines, so please do not let these requirements prevent you from signing up for a certain position. If you have any questions, feel free to email the head coach or parent reps!
Chaperone: Supervise assigned age group swimmers in team areas, organize and deliver swimmers to Clerk of Course, pick up swimmers at completion of races. No prior experience necessary.
Clerk of Course: Organize and help swimmers get to the appropriate heats and lanes. No prior experience necessary.
Timers: Use smartphone to time or operate a manual stop watch. Timers must attend a timer meeting 15–20 minutes before the start of the meet. There are two (2) timers per lane. No prior experience necessary.
Set-Up Crew: Move pool chairs and helps bring equipment/supplies from storage and sets it up on deck. For morning meets – this is often done the night before. No prior experience necessary.
Awards: Affixes award labels generated from Swimmingly onto appropriate ribbons/medals and place them in the swimmers’ “ribbon folders.” No prior experience necessary.
Concessions: Helps with organization, set up, and oversight of food and beverage sales. Distributes water and snacks to volunteers, coaches, and officials on deck. No prior experience necessary.
Scorekeeper: Checks, edits, and updates score within Swimmingly. Often get to sit in the shade! There are several scorekeepers provided at each meet, and the lead scorekeeper can assist with learning role during a meet. There is the ability to step away and watch your swimmers swim their races, as the scorekeepers do work as a team.
Stroke & Turn: Checks for legality of swimmers’ strokes and mechanics. Requires 2 hours of training before start of season, date & time TBA.